Saturday, December 30, 2006

I'm Back in the blogging circles with new found yippies!

Well kids, I have to say that it has been some time since I've been here. I didn't grow stale with it but too busy to do it. I have some plans blog-wise that I think some will enjoy but we'll see if it manifests in the coming days. For now, hello and good day.
What's new? Well, Becky and I are home for an entire day which is rare. Usually if we have a whole day off, we will drive and be "out" for a chunk of the day. No, not today. This time we stayed in, I am currently wearing the sweatpants that I put on when I rolled out of bed (no alarm)....sweet! I watched "Big Trouble In Little China" this morning (which I had never seen before). Hummmm.... well, funny....some good spots, mostly bad acting. Kurt Russel's accent as a trucker was awful. There was a ton of awesome karate and a cool demi-god who beamed light from his eyes and mouth. After that, I took the belt sander to the pots and pans and dishes. I know...."How domestic of you, pastor"...
We have just made the decision to stay home the rest of the day. I am down with that, holms. As I type, I am listening to the CD the music team made who traveled to the Philippines the last time we did a music trip. The CD includes Tim, Sharon, Becky, me, Steve, Faye, Laura Dyer, Jeremiah Newton. It's too strange to think that this was recorded so long ago. Ya ever feel like you are getting freakin' old? Yesterday I just finished the newsletter with a 12 page photo journal of the many years of Jesus Fellowship/Calvary Chapel. You know what? A lot of farggin' years have passed bye, dude. The crazy thing is there were 6+ years BEFORE I started coming to this church that I know nothing (really) about. I have been in this church for heading into 12 years. That's equal to all of the pre-college schooling I went through. DEWD!!!! Lots of crap has happened, man.
Let's hope you all can have a 12 year stint in the church (and, of course, way more after that). I say that with tongue in cheek because so many people I have known over the years have fallen off the boat. That really bites to sit and remember their faces and the things we did together. Where are they now? God only knows. It's an inspiration to pray for them.
As the new year comes, I am blessed with all the people I know today and I only hope and pray we can all lock arms and be together until the end. Not likely, but I would love to see it happen. My church today is top notch. The people are "my family". It's an awesome thing. Wish the fallen ones were here to see it happen too.
Well, I'm gonna sign off but I hope to see you all at church for the last day of 2006 and hope to see you and help me "usher in tha now yarr" (from trading places). 5...4...3...2...1..."Should old acquaintances be forgot and never brought to blahhh....."
[SORRY GUYS...Mixed up Dave's stint with mine. 12 is correct. I hope the corrections above in my actual posting satisfy your brains.]


Monday, November 13, 2006

Say Goodbye To Donny R...

Craig Ferguson gives tribute to one of the most "entertaining" gonvernmental leaders of our day. We will miss you Mr. Rumsfeld. Just remember, don't smoke too many of those...they'll kill ya.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Goodies: 1 for Jason and 2 for everyone else!!

Here's three killer videos from the college years that I really dug. It's a trip into yesteryear. Then there's a trip to the brain:

Enjoy these tasty morsels!

Thursday, October 19, 2006

On a more realistic note...

In college, this was one of the coolest music videos I ever saw. It still stands today. It was my favorite band in the early 1990's. Though still impressed with their talent, their image and lyrical content leaves little to be desired. This video, however, is well done. It's full of nice camera angles and arid scenery. So, I salute 1993 with this piece of quintessential American heritage....

For unintended comedy (on the artist's part) check out the videos unfortunate....


Feast your ears on these tasty lyxxxxxx! Mooohahaha!

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Cheap bloggin'

It is at this time that I would like to let you all know. I am sorry that my posting has gone mostly video these days. It seems that life is currently too busy for a beefy blog. I hope to remedy this soon. Until then, you should practice your hip-hop beats with Biz and then be ready to share them. Leper is coming to The Munchies this friday and maybe I will get some video of that show up here. I assure you, my blog will return to it's regularly scheduled program soon. Thanks, friends....EHLTB

Sunday, October 01, 2006

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Dorks Of The Rings

Click Here to observe the screwball antics of Mordor

Friday, September 15, 2006

Jusht a darrn shecond here....

Not sodamn fast here! Jusht a darrn shecond here... Exxon....Exxon....why do you Valdes me so? Drippity drip drip on the lawn. Leaky leaky Exxon Valdes...the gas continues to flow. Maybe tonight....maybe tonight by the car no aroma in sight. Yes. I think tonight thanks to my good man Steve. (He works quick by the way). Things have been qwayzee around here. Now that Shoopoo is done, we press on toward winter. All the while we look for those last moments to stand outside in a t-shirt yet in comfort. Will if fall tonight, I ought not speak so. Oh, brown penny, brown penny....-=EHLTB

Oh, look at som eShoopoo pics here!

Friday, August 25, 2006

Back In The Saddle Again...

Trucko no leako anymore. Thanks to the hardy work of Mr. Steve B. That is correct. My mini-monster truck is not leaking gas anymore. My front yard no longer smells of Exxon and let me tell you, it is nice.
Well, last night B and I were going to go directly to the campground but were inhibited because of severe weather. I love nasty weather. The wind...the lightning...sirens...creepy digital voices explaining that we should "stay inside". But I like these things on my terms. I guess, God had other plans. So, we enjoyed a non-outside movie watching. It was worth it because packing is gonna take some time for the camping trip this weekend.
That's all for now....see you at the campout...

Monday, August 21, 2006


Well, here's the first picture of the deck. All I need to add to this structure are steps and some trim boards. Next spring we'll put plants and shrubs around the sucka. It's large enough to sit six people with a table and a grill. It's about 11 feet by 12 feet. I finished it yesterday and then B and I sat out there until almost dark. It was really a nice cool shady sit. We'd like to maybe put up a canvas canopy up in the future - one of those you would see set up in the center area at Fleet Farm with the wrought-iron-like work. Dunham Sports had a 10 x 10 on sale for $79 a few weeks ago. If you look closely in the background you can see the Exxon Valdes. What you need to do to propperly view this picture is to soak a rag in gas...sniff it for about 20 seconds...then open your eyes to look at this picture. If the wind floats gently from the southwest, this is what you will experience.

Daisy Says hello to you all...

Thursday, August 17, 2006

Here's Your Que.....Where's the Queue?...

Has anybody seen Johansebastianberg? Exit stage-left....

I can't seem to find the Queue. If you go to the blog-home of the get, "Hey I moved...I'll redirect you :-)" Well guess what. It don't! Do it now? Hailno!

Having no Queue is like the alphabet without ....ummmm......"Q"?

As I stand here...I ponder...greater things....Shoopalapoopa is on the way. So far, things are on track. ....ooops....must cut this post short. I have to read something else....moocho imprtant-e


Saturday, August 12, 2006

Let the Exxon Fun Continue...

Life's a gas! Literally! As the Toyota continues to pour liquid gold into the driveway I ponder greater things. One thing for sure is an 85% complete deck. The cool part is that I was just assuming that I had enough decking. As the project went along I was setting up the floor joists when, lat minute measurements I opted to cut off 10 inches of the joists for fear of being too close to the house with the deck. So, I whacked off the joists. The last thing I did tonight before sitting my rear down to rest was B and I laid out all the remaining deck pieces across the joists. Lo and behold, just enough decking material! Had I left the 10 inches of joist in place, I would have come up two rows short in the decking material. Thanks to the Master Carpenter the job is gonna work out just perfect. Thanks Easter Bunny! (Bok Bok).
The Exxon leak may continue but it will sure look cool from my groovy deck, aymeah?

Friday, August 11, 2006

The Blog Wave Begins to Fizzle Like Shizzle, My Drizzle!


Shall we begin a digital wager? I believe Lolo may but Travis won't. See, blogging for me was a big decision. Do I or Do not I? That was the question. If I am in, I am in all the way. If not then I might as well drop the matter.

I am totally jazzed for the Church campout this year. It is another weekend of wicked volleyball and hanging out with my friends. Every year it is a blast.

On that note, I believe I have fixed the gas line leak under my Toyota. My yard basically smelled of "Exxon Valdes" for over two weeks. Conclusion to my assessment: Rubber lines-cheap, easy to replace but sharp metal objects on the highway chop into them and entropy along with the aging process breaks them down. All I can say is that I'm glad that I don't have a "flailing-burning-matches" addiction or my house in the pine trees mixed with "gasy-leaky Toyota" could have equaled black smoky stinky heap.

Digital wager....
Lolo - yes but aftera couple of months
Travis - no


Monday, August 07, 2006

Whuz Goin Down?

Well kids... It's time to close the book on Cornerstone 2006. I tried to bask in it as much as possible but now it's time to move on.

What the "H"-"E"-double-hockey-sticks is happening these days? Well, B and I have begun construction on a new deck for the love-shack. It will be a long process, I predict, because it is my first "dew-it-yer-selfer" home project. It (with all hopes) will be roughly 12 feet by 12 feet. It will have a rifle turret for deer hunting and will become home to (underneath anyway) hundreds of furry woodland rodents. We plan on moving the gas grill to said location for fall cook-outs (2006). Thanks to my dad, this project has become reality. He donated 98% of the building supplies. It's super cool!

B and I went on a camping trip a couple of weeks ago to the Bayfield area. We stayed two nights in Memorial Park located along the shore of Superior in Washburn. Daisy took her first ever swim in Lake Superior. Guess what? She can dog paddle. Ahhhh the wonders of evolution, huh? Yeah, whatever. She was created to do that! She also enjoyed chasing the white-caps that were rolling in. The chasing included mean growling and dashing back and fourth. Those white-caps leaned a good lesson that day, I tell you! B and I also spent 3 hours out in a sail boat charting the mighty waves. Interesting! I just realized that we went on a literal "3-hour tour". Weird. We had a great time. Thanks to T and G for the boat time.

Stay tuned.... YESHUAPOLOOZA Jesus Rock Festival is just around the corner. Details are

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Oh yeah..... Who's that in the background behind the crowd? The Blind Munchies! I believe the band is Underoath. We'll see you there next year at Cornerstone. To see other images go to Cornerstone Festival on the web. We had a total blast. It was hard work and fast paced. We stayed up late and got up early. The whole trip was good discipleship training for our group. Lord knows we were met with highs and lows. After having a wheel bearing go on the equipment trailer, no running water, no electricity, near 100 degree temps with high humidity, and no good tasting water for coffee and espresso, we finally got up and running. what a neat opportunity for us. We raised money for India and had good ministry training. All while serving a good hot cup of coffee. Badda boom badda stink!

For those who were there....

1 - 2 - 1 - 2 - HEYYYYY RONNNIE!

Thursday, June 29, 2006

Let's Sing Together....

Please... [CLICK HERE] Sing along with the good old-tyme friend, Roger Lamont.
It's the "Ooby-Dooby" song.

Monday, June 26, 2006

Tee's and "T"

Thanks to to a bit of help from the lolo, the His-O tees got done. They were sold at the festival this last weekend. Now on to printing all the 'Nerstone shirts (uniform and non) It will be a gwate bwessin'. I'd like to saddly post a farewell to the faux blog that I generated for a good friend (without his knowledge). We will call him "T" or "Meat Cutting Master". I do appologize for any upset-ness I may have caused. I was wrong. I admit it. Honestly, "T" is a good friend. Sorry about that. From now on I will keep my bloggin' on my own turf. Still bro's?

EastMonsoon, what your blog name? I'd like to visit your "Bossa Nova" bending site.....and add it to my links.

For now.....
Elvis Has Left The Building....

Friday, June 23, 2006

C'mon back trucker and talk to teady bear.

"Lenny, did we forget something back at the shop?" Here we are in northern India maybe about an hour north of Helhi along the "interstate". India totally rules, dewd. Can't wait to return again.

Thursday, June 22, 2006

Holy-wah. Look who has joined the ranks of blogness! Cool. Welcome aboard, sir....
Meat Cutting Master

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Well, I bees printing shirts today for one His Oasis festival. The festival is very soon so I must....I must...... So I do. I have done the shirts every year for the last like 7 years. It is a cool blessing for me. It is also challenging every year. After that, I print our Blind Munchies shirts for Cornerstone festival. Dewd, print print print print. So Ima gonna go and do it....bye

Monday, June 19, 2006

What's Your Japanese Name?

My Japanese Name Is...

Yoshifumi Kimura
Domo arigato, Mr. Roboto...Domo (domo) Domo (domo)
Watch as I eat this bowl of white something with a fine pair of tweezers!

Dewd, Let's Blog...mmmm-kay? Yeah

Well, kids? Let the blog-power begin. Though I am new to blogging, I am not new to the internet. Several of my friends are now in this world and I thought, hell, coulda! So I be joining. Here I am. Pictures will follow as I find odd or bizarro pics to trows in. Most will be taken by me but I cannot promise that will always be the case. Look at my links to find goodies from my friends, huh? mmmm-kay? -yeah