Sunday, April 08, 2007

Playing with dolls rises to a whole new level

I found this vid on U-Toob yesterday and thought it was quite groovy. This is what happens when you let boys play with dolls. Just to let you know, there was a Cosby show short in this slot on my blog for a day or so until I discovered the "F"-bomb in the middle of it. If you can stomach that word, I will show you the video privately. Instead, enjoy this little video as a warning: THIS IS WHAT HAPPENS WHEN BOYS PLAY WITH DOLLS (and for some reason, this seems like something I used to do with my sister's Barbie) Watch-


A said...

My Google Reader held on to it for me so I could see it today. It was more the Cosby-nudity that disturbed me than the random F-bomb.

Some people . . . :)


Anonymous said...

I cannot watch this until I get to church, but I have a funny story about the boy when he was 4 and what he did to the Barbie he got at McDonalds w/ his happy meal.

I tell ya sometime, OK? OK.

Danielle said...

the bull terrier sniffing out the crowd-operated groupies is hilarious.. also, that puppeteer is....eery.

Robocarp said...

yay dolls

angely said...

WOW...that was wicked awesome...hahaha...yep...waitin for my boy to get older...that will be fun.