Well kids, once again it is time to update you on things relevant to our lives. Mud season is drawing to a close for us at the EHLTB house. Wet still but not a muck-run to the road anymore. As Easter comes out to play in the next few days, we ponder. What do colored eggs and bunnies and chickies have to do with the Resurrection of Christ? This is a great question to ponder. To answer that question with the same relevance that those items have with the Resurrection, please watch the following film:
Have one for me, too....
When he licks his chops right before the milk, that's pretty funny.. and i always wondered what pastel colors have to do with Jesus..
That makes me hungry y'all.
I talk to my food too.
I like it cold.
I have posted a rockin' Easter photo.
It's on my blog.
You can check it out.
It's a state champ.
HaHaHAAAA!! I am currently sitting in a public place with headphones on listening to/watching the sandwich video! I fully realize I am "that person". You know... the one who laughs out loud at things in public places when no one they know is around and no one else is laughing. Yeah... that one. I can't help it! There is no way NOT to vocalize the laughter inside! Oh... AND when he says "state champs" RIGHT at the end!!!! Priceless....
G.A.Y. Sarcasm and whatever else aside, this guy is annoying. I could make a better video about putting on pants. But, that would require that I wear pants so we could have a problem.
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