...Bee Hive!
This photo is the inside of a 1955 Chevrolet that has been renovated by an impending militia of Yellow Jackets.
Becky and I (at about 11:00pm) while on our way to vacation in Bayfield last summer were listening to Public Radio and getting totally freaked out (end is near...) due to a story they were doing on the recent Yellow Jacket population surge. Normal nest sizes are roughly the size of a basketball or smaller. Apparently this evil is happening all over the south because of warmer winter temperatures. No freezy...no wasp killy. This picture is the main story they were covering. The second one was about a queen-sized mattress that had a 3-4 inch hole in it from mice, they assume. The entire inside was a Yellow Jacket nest. In both of these stories, residents claimed being able to hear the buzzing sound several yards away from the nest. With the Chevy, they heard the sound before realizing where it was coming from.
When you see crap like this, you can easily picture how pestilence outbreaks can occur as depicted in the Bible. A couple of warm winters and all of a sudden Yellow Jackets are kicking your butt. As a side note, I find it interesting that the Yellow Jackets haven't moved to warmer climates. Why live in a region that restricts your nest sizes to a basketball or smaller when you have thousands of El Caminos to fill where it's a whole lot warmer? Isn't that anti-evolutionary?
Whatevah...Buzz Buzz, kids....-EHLTB
I double dog dare you to throw a baseball at that car.
Holy Crap that's huge nest. We found a 6-year old kid size nest in one of our old houses. Actually my brother found it by accidently rubbing against while exploring the attic in the dark. Luckliy it was really old and abandoned. (this was a house in WI)
You went and done yer links before I's gots a chance to help ya out.
Dat der is the biggist hornet nest I done laid eyes on.
Hey, Wasp Woman told me that she'd rather keep her lair..ahem.. secret. Here you are posting photos and all..traitor.
sounds like good material for a "B" movie!
Enlighten me, please:
Why is Carrie labeled as a small asian boy on your links list?
No can do, I can't go for that, no...
It a bit of an inside joke and so...yeah....mmmm-kay?
Ooops, I just blogged all over the internet again...sorry.
We have a bee-tree in our front yard that houses thousands of bees! At times in the summer you can hear them buzzing from the house! The tree is over two hundred years old, probably pushing 3 centuries in age. Imagine, a tree that predates the Constitution of the USA!
coochie coochie c-
you know what else needs to move to warmer temperatures....kids
I just got massive creepy crawlies, and now I have to sleep with them... thanks tom.
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