Saturday, December 30, 2006

I'm Back in the blogging circles with new found yippies!

Well kids, I have to say that it has been some time since I've been here. I didn't grow stale with it but too busy to do it. I have some plans blog-wise that I think some will enjoy but we'll see if it manifests in the coming days. For now, hello and good day.
What's new? Well, Becky and I are home for an entire day which is rare. Usually if we have a whole day off, we will drive and be "out" for a chunk of the day. No, not today. This time we stayed in, I am currently wearing the sweatpants that I put on when I rolled out of bed (no alarm)....sweet! I watched "Big Trouble In Little China" this morning (which I had never seen before). Hummmm.... well, funny....some good spots, mostly bad acting. Kurt Russel's accent as a trucker was awful. There was a ton of awesome karate and a cool demi-god who beamed light from his eyes and mouth. After that, I took the belt sander to the pots and pans and dishes. I know...."How domestic of you, pastor"...
We have just made the decision to stay home the rest of the day. I am down with that, holms. As I type, I am listening to the CD the music team made who traveled to the Philippines the last time we did a music trip. The CD includes Tim, Sharon, Becky, me, Steve, Faye, Laura Dyer, Jeremiah Newton. It's too strange to think that this was recorded so long ago. Ya ever feel like you are getting freakin' old? Yesterday I just finished the newsletter with a 12 page photo journal of the many years of Jesus Fellowship/Calvary Chapel. You know what? A lot of farggin' years have passed bye, dude. The crazy thing is there were 6+ years BEFORE I started coming to this church that I know nothing (really) about. I have been in this church for heading into 12 years. That's equal to all of the pre-college schooling I went through. DEWD!!!! Lots of crap has happened, man.
Let's hope you all can have a 12 year stint in the church (and, of course, way more after that). I say that with tongue in cheek because so many people I have known over the years have fallen off the boat. That really bites to sit and remember their faces and the things we did together. Where are they now? God only knows. It's an inspiration to pray for them.
As the new year comes, I am blessed with all the people I know today and I only hope and pray we can all lock arms and be together until the end. Not likely, but I would love to see it happen. My church today is top notch. The people are "my family". It's an awesome thing. Wish the fallen ones were here to see it happen too.
Well, I'm gonna sign off but I hope to see you all at church for the last day of 2006 and hope to see you and help me "usher in tha now yarr" (from trading places). 5...4...3...2...1..."Should old acquaintances be forgot and never brought to blahhh....."
[SORRY GUYS...Mixed up Dave's stint with mine. 12 is correct. I hope the corrections above in my actual posting satisfy your brains.]